The SUPERFACT experiment was implemented during the 1980s by two institutions, the French Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Karlsruhe, the former Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) [1],[2],[3],[4]. The process of irradiation took place within the PHÉNIX reactor, France, during the years 1986 to 1988, and the program's primary objective was to demonstrate the technical viability of performing transmutation of Minor Actinides (MA) in fast reactors using a homogeneous and a heterogeneous approach.
The test capsule was comprised of four (Pu,U,MA)O2-x pins with pellets that contained either 2% Am-241 or 2% Np-237, signifying the homogeneous transmutation concept, and four (U,MA)O2-x pins with either 45% Np-237 or a mix of 20% Am-241 + 20% Np-237, representing the heterogeneous transmutation concept. The fuels were synthesized at JRC Karlsruhe using the external sol-gel process [2],[4],[5], illustrated in the flow diagram below. The procedure involves the integration of polymers into the base solution to enhance its viscosity. Once the solution is dispersed into droplets, they solidify upon collection in an ammonia bath. The resultant beads undergo a process of washing, drying, and calcination, followed by being pressed into pellets and sintered at a temperature of 1600°C in an Ar-5%H2 atmosphere for a duration of 6 hours. This entire process was conducted in the JRC Karlsruhe laboratory.

Fig. 1 Process flow diagram for Sol-gel synthesis used for SUPERFACT [2],[4],[5]
SUPERFACT Pins 4 & 16 irradiation data
Table 1 presented below highlights the primary characteristics of the sintered pellets of all four fuel compositions. Within the context of this report, we examine the irradiation behaviour of the fuel composed of (U0.74Pu0.24Am0.02)O2 (Pins number 4 and 16). The O/M ratio of pin 4 & 16 was determined to 1.957 and the density to 96.8 %TD. The detailed isotopic composition of pins 4 and 16 is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2.1.5-1 Properties of SUPERFACT fuel pellets [4],[5]

Pins number 4 and 16, exhibiting a homogeneous composition with 2% Am, underwent an irradiation process for a span of 448 days, encompassing 382 effective full power days (EFPD), culminating in a burn-up of 6.4 atomic percent (at%).
The pins were irradiated in the internal core of the Phénix reactor together with 6 other experimental pins and 8 standard Phénix MOX pins in a hexagonal fuel assembly which is illustrated in Fig. 2 [5]. Since both pins were irradiated in a symmetric configuration within the same hexagonal fuel assembly, they are assumed to be equivalent in irradiation history and performance.
Fig. 2 Position of experimental pins 4 & 16 in fuel assembly [5]
[1] L. L Gilpin, R. B. Baker, S. A. Chastain, “Evaluation of the Advanced Mixed Oxide Fuel Test FO-2 Irradiated in Fast Flux Test Facility,” WHC-SA-0498, 1989.
[2] Melissa Teague, Brian Gorman, Jeffrey King, Douglas Porter, Steven Hayes, “Microstructural characterization of high burn-up mixed oxide fast reactor fuel,” Journal of Nuclear Materials 441 (2013) 267–273.
[3] A.E. Bridges, A.E. Walter, R.D. Leggett, R.B. Baker, Nucl. Technol. 102 (1993) 353–366.
[4] C. Prunier et al. (1993), “Some specific aspects of homogeneous Am and Np based fuel transmutation through the outcomes of the SUPERFACT Experiment in Phénix”, Global 1993, September 1993, Seattle, United States.
[5] Chauvin, N., Minato, K., Ogata, T., Lee, C. B., Pouchon, M. A., Pasamehmetoglu, K. O., Somers J., ... & McClellan, K. (2014). State-of-the-art Report on Innovative Fuels for Advanced Nuclear Systems.
Dataset provided by the French Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Karlsruhe in the framework of CRP T12031” FUEL MATERIALS FOR FAST REACTORS (FMFR) (2019-2023)”.
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