Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.11 (PWR)
The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup... -
Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.10 (PWR)
The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup... -
Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.9 (PWR)
The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup... -
Radiological analysis of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in fish, crustacean and sedimen...
Radiological analysis was carried out on fish, crustacean and sediment samples collected from both fresh and marine water of river Igbokoda in the coastal area of Ondo State,... -
Assessment of the committed effective dose due to the 210Po intake from fish ...
This study aims to assess the committed effective dose due to the intake of 210Po from the consumption of fish in Arabian Gulf countries. Twenty different kinds of fish, which... -
Levels of 210Po in some commercial fish species consumed in the Aegean Sea co...
Concentrations of 210Po were determined in the edible muscle tissue of five species of marine fish: Sardine (Sardine plichardus) and Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Red mullet... -
Accumulation of radionuclides in selected marine biota from Manjung coastal area
Distribution of radionuclides from anthropogenic activities has been intensively studied due to the accumulation of radionuclides in marine ecosystem. Manjung area is affected... -
Environmental radioactivity in the North Atlantic Region including the Faroe ...
Measurements of fallout radioactivity in the North Atlantic region including Faroe Islands and Greenland are reported. Strontium-90, cesium-137 and cesium-134 were determined in... -
Activity levels of 210Po and 210Pb in some fish species of the Izmir Bay (Aeg...
Concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb were determined in the edible muscle tissue of twelve species of marine fish collected from Izmir Bay in the Aegean Sea Region of Turkey during... -
Environmental radioactivity in the North Atlantic Region including the Faroe ...
Measurements of fallout radioactivity in the North Atlantic region including Faroe Islands and Greenland are reported. Strontium-90, cesium-137 and cesium-134 were determined in... -
IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environm...
Transfer parameter data are essential inputs to models for radiological environmental impact assessment and are used to quantify the extent of movement of radionuclides from one... -
Environmental Radioactivity in the North Atlantic Region including the Faroe ...
Measurements of fallout radioactivity in the North Atlantic region including Faroe Islands and Greenland are reported. Strontium-90, cesium-137 and cesium-134 were determined in...