3 datasets found

群组: Nuclear Technology and Applications 授权: IAEA Terms of Use 格式: PDF

  • Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.11 (PWR)

    The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup...
  • Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.10 (PWR)

    The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup...
  • Halden Reactor Test IFA-650.9 (PWR)

    The Halden Reactor test series IFA-650 was part of the joint international programme of the Halden Reactor Project. These tests addressed the LOCA performance of high burnup...
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