Data Dictionary

Column Type Label 描述
MARIS sample ID text
Sample type text
Laboratory text
Latitude (decimal) text
Longitude (decimal) text
Station ID text
Data provider's sample ID text
MARIS Profile ID text
MARIS Transect ID text
Sampling depth (m) text
Total depth (m) text
Sampling start datetime text
Sampling end datetime text
Nuclide text
Value type text
Activity or MDA text
Uncertainty text
Unit text
Variable type text
Number of data points text
Minimum value text
Maximum value text
Taxon name text
Reported taxon name text
Taxon rank text
Biogroup text
Taxon database URL text
Body part text
Top of core interval (cm) text
Bottom of core interval (cm) text
Sediment type text
Reported sediment type text
Sample volume (L) text
Salinity text
Temperature [degC] text
Filtered text
Mesh size (um) text
Sample surface area (cm2) text
Dry weight (g) text
Wet weight (g) text
Dry/Wet (%) text
Sampling method text
Preparation method text
Drying method text
Counting method text
MARIS reference ID text
Reference/Citation text
Zotero URL text
Reference note text
Sample note text
Measurement note text


Data last updated 2023年7月26日
Metadata last updated 2024年7月2日
创建的 未知
格式 CSV
授权 IAEA Terms of Use
Media typetext/csv
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Url typeupload
Validation statusfailure
Validation timestamp8个月前
Validation options
Validation status failure
Validation timestamp 2024-07-02T09:15:35.652477