On March 27, 2023 at 11:26:16 AM UTC,
Changed title to IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments (previously IAEA MODARIA II tropical dataset soil/plant in tropical environments)
Set maintainer of IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments to Radioecology Data Contact Point
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Updated description of IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments from
Transfer parameter data are essential inputs to models for radiological environmental impact assessment and are used to quantify the extent of movement of radionuclides from one environmental compartment to another, relevant for estimating the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans. International data compilations (i.e. transfer parameter data for temperate environments from the IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 472) have been frequently used by regulators and professionals in radiological impact assessment for dose estimations when site-specific data are not available. ##Description of dataset content This international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of [IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019)]( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification (BECK et al. 2018). The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021). The dataset contains over 7000 records. Each record includes a concentration ratio value and/or plant and soil concentrations, provided in a consistent way, from which a concentration ratio value can be calculated. Where available, environmentally relevant information is included with each record to allow categorization of the plant and soil data into more refined subsets. The dataset includes information for over 100 plant species, including many that are common crops and staple foods in tropical environments. Data are included for all measured plant compartments, including both the edible and inedible parts of the plant. Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content‘ file. ##Use of Data The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is freely available for all external users, without prejudice to the applicable [IAEA’ Terms and Conditions.]( Any use of the tropical dataset shall contain appropriate acknowledgement of the data source(s) and the IAEA’s Data Platform [online]. The preferred form of citation of IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is: INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments. In: IAEA Data Platform [online], IAEA, Vienna (2021). ##Acknowledgement The IAEA wishes to express its gratitude to C. Doering (Australia) for compiling this comprehensive dataset as part of the activities of Working Group 4 of the MODARIA II programme, led by B. Howard (UK). The IAEA also gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions of J. Twining (Australia) and S. Rout (India). ##References [INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments, TRS-472, IAEA, Vienna (2010).]( [INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments, TECDOC-1979, IAEA, Vienna (2021).]( [BECK, H.E., ZIMMERMANN, N.E., MCVICAR, T.R., VERGOPOLAN, N., BERG, A., WOOD, E.F., Present and future Köppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution, Scientific Data 5 (2018) 180214.]( [DOERING, C., TWINING, J., ROUT, S., IURIAN, A-R., HOWARD, B., A revised IAEA data compilation for estimating the soil to plant transfer of radionuclides in tropical environments, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 232 (2021) 106570.](
toTransfer parameter data are essential inputs to models for radiological environmental impact assessment and are used to quantify the extent of movement of radionuclides from one environmental compartment to another, relevant for estimating the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans. International data compilations (i.e. transfer parameter data for temperate environments from the [IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 472]( have been frequently used by regulators and professionals in radiological impact assessment for dose estimations when site-specific data are not available. ##Description of Dataset Content This international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of [IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019)]( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification ([BECK et al. 2018]( The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with [IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021)]( The dataset contains over 7000 records. Each record includes a concentration ratio value and/or plant and soil concentrations, provided in a consistent way, from which a concentration ratio value can be calculated. Where available, environmentally relevant information is included with each record to allow categorization of the plant and soil data into more refined subsets. The dataset includes information for over 100 plant species, including many that are common crops and staple foods in tropical environments. Data are included for all measured plant compartments, including both the edible and inedible parts of the plant. Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content‘ file. ##Use of Data The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is freely available for all external users, without prejudice to the applicable [IAEA’ Terms and Conditions.]( Any use of the tropical dataset shall contain appropriate acknowledgement of the data source(s) and the IAEA’s Data Platform [online]. The preferred form of citation of IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is: INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments. In: IAEA Data Platform [online], IAEA, Vienna (2021). ##Acknowledgement The IAEA wishes to express its gratitude to C. Doering (Australia) for compiling this comprehensive dataset as part of the activities of Working Group 4 of the MODARIA II programme, led by B. Howard (UK). The IAEA also gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions of J. Twining (Australia) and S. Rout (India). ##How do I Search for Data? The ‘Explore’ tab, on the right corner of the first page, allows users to explore the data online (by selecting the ‘Preview’ tab or by accessing the CSV-type file under ‘Data and Resources’) or to retrieve the whole dataset as a CSV-type file by selecting the ‘Download’ tab. To search for data in the online preview mode, use the filter control panel on the left of the ‘Data Explorer’ page. Click ‘Download’ at the top right of the page to download the data as a CSV file. ##Get Involved Would you like to learn more about the IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset, or do you have questions related to data compilation? Get in touch with the IAEA’s team at the Terrestrial Environmental Radiochemistry Laboratory and at the Assessment and Management of Environmental Releases Unit by accessing the ‘Contact dataset maintainer’ tab. We will get back to you soon.
Changed the version of IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments to 1.0
Changed value of field
toINTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments. In: IAEA Data Platform [online], IAEA, Vienna (2021).
in IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments -
Updated description of resource IAEA MODARIA II Tropical Dataset.csv in IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments from
This international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of [IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019)]( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification (BECK et al. 2018). The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021). Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content’ file. Note that some of the records contain empty fields due to missing information in the reference source.
toThis international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of [IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019)]( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification ([BECK et al. 2018]( The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with [IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021)]( Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content’ file. Note that some of the records contain empty fields due to missing information in the reference source.
Changed value of field
of resource IAEA MODARIA II Tropical Dataset.csv to2023-02-22T15:27:13.517179
) in IAEA’s MODARIA II Soil-Plant Transfer Parameter Dataset for Tropical Environments