This experimental irradiation was performed to study the behavior of a SUPERPHENIX 1 (SPX-1) fuel element with annular fuel pellets operating at high Linear Heat Rate.
The KCI 6703 PHENIX capsule, alias SANTENAY, (Fig. 1) included six fuel pins close to the standard SPX-1 external core and one inert pin, filled with alumina pellets (pin Nb. 4).
Fig. 1 SANTENAY : arrangement of the seven wire-spaced pins in the KCI 6703 capsule
Main characteristics of the fuel pin Nb.1
Table 1 and Fig. 2 describes the pin n°1 with the description of the pin design, the fuel composition and geometry and the clad material.
Main irradiation conditions
Capsule KCI 6703 (SANTENAY) was irradiated inside the carriage sub-assembly DCC 2143 in the 1st row of the PHENIX core.
During 487 Equivalent Full Power Days (EFPD) from the 33rd to the 38th cycles, the fuel reached a maximum burn-up of 9 at.% and a maximum cladding damage of 74 dpa NRT. The Linear Heat Rate (LHR) at Peak Power Position (PPP) of the pin Nb. 1 has always been between 400 and 585 W/cm and the maximal cladding temperature between 610 and 640 °C.
Table -1 SANTENAY : pin characteristics
Fig. 2 SANTENAY : pin design
Dataset provided by CEA (France) in the framework of CRP T12031” FUEL MATERIALS FOR FAST REACTORS (FMFR) (2019-2023)”.
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