Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
- text
KAN: 0 text
KAN: 1 text
KAN: 2 text
KAN: 3 text
KAN: 4 text
KAN: 5 text
KAN: 6 text
KAN: 7 text
KAN: 8 text
KAN: 9 text
KAN: 10 text
KAN: 11 text
KAN: 12 text
KAN: 13 text
KAN: 14 text
KAN: 15 text
KAN: 16 text
KAN: 17 text
KAN: 18 text
KAN: 19 text
KAN: 20 text
KAN: 35 text
KAN: 36 text
KAN: 38 text
KAN: 39 text
KAN: 42 text
KAN: 43 text
KAN: 44 text
KAN: 45 text
KAN: 46 text
KAN: 58 text
KAN: 61 text
KAN: 64 text
KAN: 68 text
KAN: 72 text
KAN: 73 text
KAN: 74 text
KAN: 75 text
KAN: 76 text
KAN: 77 text
KAN: 78 text
KAN: 79 text
KAN: 80 text
KAN: 81 text
KAN: 82 text
KAN: 83 text
KAN: 84 text
KAN: 85 text
KAN: 86 text
KAN: 87 text
KAN: 88 text
KAN: 89 text
KAN: 90 text
KAN: 91 text
KAN: 92 text
KAN: 93 text
KAN: 94 text
KAN: 95 text
KAN: 96 text
KAN: 97 text
KAN: 98 text
KAN: 99 text
KAN: 100 text
KAN: 101 text
KAN: 102 text
KAN: 103 text
KAN: 104 text
KAN: 105 text
KAN: 106 text
KAN: 107 text
KAN: 108 text
KAN: 109 text
KAN: 110 text
KAN: 111 text
KAN: 112 text
KAN: 113 text
KAN: 114 text
KAN: 115 text
KAN: 116 text
KAN: 117 text
KAN: 118 text
KAN: 119 text
KAN: 120 text
KAN: 121 text
KAN: 122 text
KAN: 123 text
KAN: 124 text
KAN: 126 text
KAN: 127 text
KAN: 128 text
KAN: 129 text
KAN: 130 text
KAN: 131 text
KAN: 132 text
KAN: 133 text
KAN: 134 text
KAN: 135 text
KAN: 136 text
KAN: 137 text
KAN: 138 text
KAN: 139 text
KAN: 140 text
KAN: 141 text
KAN: 142 text
KAN: 143 text
KAN: 144 text
KAN: 145 text
KAN: 146 text
KAN: 147 text
KAN: 148 text
KAN: 149 text
KAN: 150 text
KAN: 152 text
KAN: 153 text
KAN: 154 text
KAN: 155 text
KAN: 156 text
KAN: 157 text
KAN: 158 text
KAN: 159 text
KAN: 161 text
KAN: 162 text
KAN: 163 text
KAN: 164 text
KAN: 166 text
KAN: 167 text
KAN: 168 text
KAN: 169 text
KAN: 170 text
KAN: 171 text
KAN: 173 text
KAN: 174 text
KAN: 175 text
KAN: 176 text
KAN: 177 text
KAN: 178 text
KAN: 179 text
KAN: 180 text
KAN: 181 text
KAN: 182 text
KAN: 183 text
KAN: 184 text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 10, 2023
Metadata last updated July 2, 2024
Created unknown
Format XLSX
License IAEA Terms of Use
Created2 years ago
Media typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
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Ckan urlhttp://localhost:5000
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id8db93374-eb65-47bc-aec6-8d65112ca1d1
Qa{'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2023-09-15T12:52:06.992049', 'openness_score': 0, 'openness_score_reason': 'License not open', 'format': 'XLSX', 'created': '2023-05-22T15:02:02.068846', 'updated': '2023-09-15T12:52:09.142069'}
Resource id30b071c3-2a98-43c1-840c-b984ebe4f517
Task created2023-07-10 08:41:11.893503
Url typeupload
Validation statusfailure
Validation timestamp8 months ago
Validation options
Validation status failure
Validation timestamp 2024-07-02T09:17:55.100136