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On 2021年11月16日 UTC 下午2:06:25, Gravatar Gail Hobbs:
  • Updated description of resource IAEA MODARIA II Tropical Dataset.csv in IAEA MODARIA II tropical dataset soil/plant in tropical environments from

    This international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019) ( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification (BECK et al. 2018). The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021). Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content’ file. Note that some of the records contain empty fields due to missing information in the reference source.
    This international compilation of radionuclide and stable isotope soil-plant concentration ratio values for tropical environments is an output of ]IAEA’s Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments II (MODARIA II) programme (2016–2019)]( and is based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification (BECK et al. 2018). The IAEA’s MODARIA II tropical dataset is associated with IAEA’s TECDOC-1979: Soil-Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments (2021). Information in the dataset is organized into 41 fields, with individual lines in ascending order of their source reference. These headline fields are described in the associated ‘Explanatory Information’ file, while a description of the dataset content can be found in the ‘Dataset content’ file. Note that some of the records contain empty fields due to missing information in the reference source.

  • Removed the value of field datastore_active in resource IAEA MODARIA II Tropical Dataset.csv in IAEA MODARIA II tropical dataset soil/plant in tropical environments