Data Dictionary

Column Type Label 描述
- text
KAN: 0 text
KAN: 1 text
KAN: 2 text
KAN: 3 text
KAN: 4 text
KAN: 5 text
KAN: 6 text
KAN: 7 text
KAN: 8 text
KAN: 9 text
KAN: 10 text
KAN: 11 text
KAN: 12 text
KAN: 13 text
KAN: 14 text
KAN: 15 text
KAN: 16 text
KAN: 17 text
KAN: 18 text
KAN: 19 text
KAN: 20 text
KAN: 35 text
KAN: 36 text
KAN: 38 text
KAN: 39 text
KAN: 42 text
KAN: 43 text
KAN: 44 text
KAN: 45 text
KAN: 46 text
KAN: 58 text
KAN: 61 text
KAN: 64 text
KAN: 68 text
KAN: 72 text
KAN: 73 text
KAN: 74 text
KAN: 75 text
KAN: 76 text
KAN: 77 text
KAN: 78 text
KAN: 79 text
KAN: 80 text
KAN: 81 text
KAN: 82 text
KAN: 83 text
KAN: 84 text
KAN: 85 text
KAN: 86 text
KAN: 87 text
KAN: 88 text
KAN: 89 text
KAN: 90 text
KAN: 91 text
KAN: 92 text
KAN: 93 text
KAN: 94 text
KAN: 95 text
KAN: 96 text
KAN: 97 text
KAN: 98 text
KAN: 99 text
KAN: 100 text
KAN: 101 text
KAN: 102 text
KAN: 103 text
KAN: 104 text
KAN: 105 text
KAN: 106 text
KAN: 107 text
KAN: 108 text
KAN: 109 text
KAN: 110 text
KAN: 111 text
KAN: 112 text
KAN: 113 text
KAN: 114 text
KAN: 115 text
KAN: 116 text
KAN: 117 text
KAN: 118 text
KAN: 119 text
KAN: 120 text
KAN: 121 text
KAN: 122 text
KAN: 123 text
KAN: 124 text
KAN: 126 text
KAN: 127 text
KAN: 128 text
KAN: 129 text
KAN: 130 text
KAN: 131 text
KAN: 132 text
KAN: 133 text
KAN: 134 text
KAN: 135 text
KAN: 136 text
KAN: 137 text
KAN: 138 text
KAN: 139 text
KAN: 140 text
KAN: 141 text
KAN: 142 text
KAN: 143 text
KAN: 144 text
KAN: 145 text
KAN: 146 text
KAN: 147 text
KAN: 148 text
KAN: 149 text
KAN: 150 text
KAN: 152 text
KAN: 153 text
KAN: 154 text
KAN: 155 text
KAN: 156 text
KAN: 157 text
KAN: 158 text
KAN: 159 text
KAN: 161 text
KAN: 162 text
KAN: 163 text
KAN: 164 text
KAN: 166 text
KAN: 167 text
KAN: 168 text
KAN: 169 text
KAN: 170 text
KAN: 171 text
KAN: 173 text
KAN: 174 text
KAN: 175 text
KAN: 176 text
KAN: 177 text
KAN: 178 text
KAN: 179 text
KAN: 180 text
KAN: 181 text
KAN: 182 text
KAN: 183 text
KAN: 184 text


Data last updated 2023年7月10日
Metadata last updated 2024年7月2日
创建的 未知
授权 IAEA Terms of Use
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Task created2023-07-10 08:41:11.893503
Url typeupload
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Validation timestamp8个月前
Validation options
Validation status failure
Validation timestamp 2024-07-02T09:17:55.100136